PRAYER FOR PREPARATION: Almighty God, whose people are like living stones built
into a spiritual house, you call us to share all that we have and all that we are with one another and the world. Bless each offering, that together they may bring your kingdom into being in the broken places here and beyond. Amen.
Come, O people of God, let us give thanks to the Eternal Source of all good gifts.
We come to offer prayer and praise with glad and generous hearts.
Come, O people of God, as living stones that God may build as a spiritual house.
God is our rock and refuge. In God’s care we rest secure.
God has crafted us into a community of faith.
God sends us to tell the story, to bring healing to a broken world.
Holy and Gracious God, you have promised to be the strong rock on which we base our lives. Yet, we cannot fully place our trust in you. You have given us Christ Jesus to be the cornerstone of our faith. Yet, we stumble on the foundation you provide. You have called us to be living stones to build up your kingdom. Yet, instead we gather stones to build up and protect our interests. Forgive us, O God. Let your face shine upon us again, that we may grow and serve you with faithfulness and hope.
SCRIPTURE READINGS Acts 2:43-47, p. 120
1 Peter 2:1-10, p. 233
May we be as living loaves, kneaded and shaped by the hands of God. May we be as wine of the Spirit, poured out that others might know joy. Love be the leaven within. Love be the flavor of thought and word and deed. Peace be among us. Amen.
Let us give praise to the Lord, who is good. God’s love is everlasting.
Let us come to God with thanksgiving, let us complete our promises to the Lord.
We praise you God, for the many gifts of this church.
We celebrate the wonders and signs of grace in our midst;
we dedicate ourselves as Christ’s faithful disciples.
Make us instruments of your truth, O God, enable us to proclaim your kingdom.
Where there is injury, let us be healers. Where there is hatred, let us share love.
Encourage us in the tasks before us, for talking and moving and thinking together,
for enacting of the gospel.
Where there is darkness, let us bring light. Where there is sadness, let us bring joy.
Bless these gifts, gracious God, and bless all those who are served by them.
We bring these gifts and offerings and our promise of giving in a new year
because we hope for more in the days ahead.
We hope for a stronger church, and a more compassionate world.
Shape us, through our giving, make us a people of true discipleship. Amen.