Friday, August 24, 2012

Ceramic Symbols at St. Mark

 We are very fortunate at St. Mark to have several members who have enhanced our Sat. PM worship space.  John crafted this beautiful oak communion table and Pat created this ceramic cross made of Christian symbols.

 She also created Christian symbols to add details and dimension to  our colored glass windows and our communion plate and chalice.

Most recently she added ceramic banners depicting the Six Great Ends of the Church from the Presbyterian Book of Order which was studied by the Hannah Circle the past two years.

The First Banner
"The Proclamation of the Gospel for the salvation of humankind."
On the banner the book represents the scriptures from which a dove arises.  This indicates the source of both the original witness and the present understanding.  The same spirit that inspired the original writers enables us to receive the gospel.  The cross behind the book and the dove reminds us the heart of the Gospel is Jesus Christ, God with us and for us.
The Second Banner
" The shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God."
 It has multi-hued hands representing all the children of God. The dove's wings are tipped downward, sheltering the people of God.  The triangle of light links the dove to the people.
 The Third Banner
"The maintenance of divine worship"
The chalice, a reminder of the trinity represents the Lord's supper while the three drops of water represent baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The dove reminds us that the same spirit is present in these sacraments as in the proclamation of the Gospel.  The sacraments enact the gospel.  The raised arms signify our response of praise and thanksgiving---our worship of the living God.
The Fourth Banner
"The Preservation of the Truth"
This banner represents the light of the truth shining in the darkness.  The dove reminds us that the truth we proclaim to the world is the gospel of Jesus Christ. God with us and for us "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."
 The Fifth Banner
"The Promotion of Social Righteousness"
The banner represents Amos 5:24; "But let justice roll down the waters and righteousness like the everflowing stream."
 The Sixth Banner
"Exhibiting the Kingdom of Heaven to the World"
The dove is in flight over the earth carrying an olive branch, echoing Genesis 6:11: "And lo, in her mouth a freshly plucked olive leaf."  So, Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth.  this represents the eighth day of creation, God's grace coming into the world, the reign of God proclaimed by Jesus Christ.  The light rising behind the earth represents the dawning of God's kingdom.

All of these gifts have enhanced our Saturday evening worship experience.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. For all the church geeks out there [myself included] another word for the plate that holds the bread in communion: paten.
