"Labyrinths, unlike mazes, offer one path. They are a tool for meditation. By following the one path to the center, the seeker can use the labyrinth to quiet the mind and find peace and illumination at the center of his or her being. The labyrinth serves as a metaphor for one's spiritual journey.
A labyrinth is an archetype, a divine imprint found in various forms around the world. Its twists and turns weave in and out, yet lead inevitably to the center. Labyrinths redefine the journey to God: from a vertical perspective in which we are all walking the path together. Labyrinths lead us to a center where we can find the sacred.
Take a deep cleansing breath and enter. Walk in silence. Walk at a pace that is natural for your body. Make an intention, ask for guidance. At the center, stand or sit or kneel quietly for a time and think, reflect, pray. Stay in the center as long as you like; it is a place of meditaiton and prayer. As you leave the center, follow the same path as you entered upon. Be grateful as you walk back out, empowered to find and do the the work the Spirit is asking of you."
A Baptist church, a Jewish synagogue, a Catholic retreat center all sharing God's message through labyrinths. All three was slightly different and yet they all presented us a spiritual path to walk.
For more information on labyrinths, Mary Beth suggested two sites http://www.labyrinths.org/ and http://www.paxworks.com/.
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