Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A World Worth Saving

Lent is a time when Christians think about repentance.  It's a time of turning around and of changing.

Please join us for the next five Wednesday evenings to discuss the book A World Worth Saving at 6:15 in Fellowship Hall.  The book can be purchased at the church for $10 or you can buy them on your own.

Tonight we will discuss Chapters 1 and 2:  "Fasting from Apathy" and "Serving God by Serving Others".

In Matthew 22: 39, Jesus instructed us to love our neighbors.  Who are our neighbors?  I'm humbled and amazed by those who consider all humankind as their neighbor and are called to serve them.  Kayla Mueller was that person.  Her death at the hands of ISIS was reported in the media recently.  She was helping deliver humanitarian aid in Syria and was captured.  Her parents shared portions of a letter they received from her: "Do not fear for me, continue to pray as will I and by God's will we will be together soon."

Prayer is something we can all do.  We feel so helpless when we listen to the news thinking we can't change things.  Apathy is a result of feeling powerless.  In God, we have the power of prayer!  And at St. Mark we have many mission opportunities in which we can participate and serve.  As Christians we strive to lead our lives as Jesus taught.  My personal challenge is to replace apathy with an attitude of compassion and service.

Pleas join us as George Donigian guides us to grow in our prayer life by praying about daily news reports, discovering the needs around us, and responding with love and compassion. We will discover ways to
  • serve others
  • feed the hungry
  • seek justice and fight injustice
  • offer healing
  • extend friendship
St. Mark Presbyterian's Adult Education Committee

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