Sunday, April 10, 2016

Worship Prayers from April 3

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  Almighty God, we rejoice in the gift of new life made possible through Jesus’ resurrection.  You are the strength of those who believe and the hope of those who live in fear. For you no door is locked.  Draw us beyond our doubts and into the presence of the risen Christ, that we may know the blessings of his peace within us and the breadth of his Spirit upon us. Amen.
We gather in the name of the risen Lord.
         In us, among us, the peace of Jesus.
We gather as sisters and brothers of the resurrected one.
         In us, among us, the presence of Jesus.
We gather to share our faith and to worship God.
         In us, among us, God’s light and love.
We gather to proclaim the good news of Easter.
         Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Living God, when our spirit is filled with Easter joy and happiness, we are tempted by complacency and indifference.  We have been blind to your vision of a renewed world and deaf to your call of discipleship.  We confess our temptation to rush past Easter, moving on to the next task, diminishing the power of your love, which raised Christ from the dead. Forgive us, O God.  Draw us beyond our doubts, until we see the risen Christ and touch his wounds where they bleed in others.

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