Sunday, June 5, 2016

Worship Prayers May 29

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  O God of promise, who in Christ assembled the alienated and the excluded into the folds of your compassion, we give you praise for your redeeming grace.  You break down dividing walls of hostility, and fill us with your Spirit of reconciling love.  You set our feet firmly on the foundation of your goodness, and impart to us wisdom that enlightens our days.  You are God, who indeed promises new life to all.  Amen.
We come, to restore our souls, to be strengthened by God’s Spirit.
         The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.
Jesus feeds and fills us with hope.
         God prepared a table for us, our cups overflow.
Sing for joy, people of God, there is plenty for all.
         Surely goodness and mercy shall follow all the days of our lives.

Gracious God, we are empty, and long to be filled; we are hungry, and long to be fed; we are lost, and long to be found.  Often, we seek your help, only to serve ourselves.  We seek to use you only to meet our own wants.  We limit our vision, seeing only our little world, and not seeing the lives and needs of others.  Forgive us, O God.  Gather us into your love, and pick up the pieces of our lives.  Call us anew to find our fulfillment in you.

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