Monday, March 8, 2021


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

The Caregiving Committee shows tangible love and concern to our church members in their time of need. We coordinate meals, send cards, assist during funeral/memorial services. Covid-19 brought about a lot of challenges and the committee worked hard to continue to share Gods love and St. Mark love to our church family. Our committee moved to Zoom for our meetings beginning in May. The beautiful October and November weather allowed for outdoor, in-person meetings. Due to the church building closure, we were unable to use the kitchen for our We Care meals this year. 

The Caregiving Committee provided the following: ● 65 care packages to our college-age students. Each package included some combination of gum, mints, cookies, candy, and a note. (30 sent in February, 35 sent in September) ● 35 flower bouquets ● 40 mums ● 25 Advent Bags ● 50 Birthday Cards ● 40 Get Well/Thinking of You Cards ● 28 Sympathy Cards ● Helped connect members to assist with transportation as needed

 -- Christy Brewer, Chair 

The Membership committee at St Mark is responsible for welcoming visitors and assisting new members to find their place in the church family. The committee also strives to keep the member list up to date. Our membership rolls were reviewed and calls were made to members who have not attended nor supported the church for at least two years. Members who requested to remain on the rolls were retained. 

Another responsibility of the committee is to reach out to members who have not been attending worship. This became our main focus during the pandemic. With the assistance of forty-three members, weekly phone calls were made to members and friends to check on their well-being and to offer assistance with grocery shopping and transportation to medical appointments. We began by calling every family in the congregation. Currently, nineteen callers continue to make weekly phone calls to ninety-two families. The response to our calls has been positive. If you wish to be added to our calling lists, either as a recipient or as a caller, please contact Bette Nuzum.

We have been able to identify those people without access to a computer and to provide printed sermons, newsletters, and important notifications via mail. We also identified some church members and friends needing extra attention and began sending cards and notes to 23 members. The membership committee is exploring ways to continue this important outreach to our St. Mark family. 

--Bette Nuzum, chair

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

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