Sunday, November 6, 2022

Worship Prayers for November 6


Morning God of life, for this new day we give thanks. May we bear witness to the gift of life in all we say and do, from the flowers that bloom to the critters that creep, from the friends we seek out to the strangers we encounter. As the birds sing out their praises, may we, too, make a joyful noise. May our words and our actions reveal your good news. Help us to be inspired and awed by your extraordinary creation. Amen. 


Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.  

Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody.  

With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.  

Come, make a joyful noise, sing praises! Come, let us worship the Lord! 


Holy God we come before you a broken people in a broken world. We confess we have ignored, yet again, your assured presence. We have forged our own paths and charted our own waters. In the name of independence, we have ignored your aid, your comfort, and your peace. We have called upon you in desperation rather than recalling your mighty and faithful acts in all times and places. Forgive us. You have been with us in exile and liberation; be with us even now.  

[silent confession] 



In many and various ways, God gives us comfort and hope, even the hope of eternal life. In gratitude, then, let us give generously. 


Holy One, in gratitude for all that you give us, including those who have gone before us, we offer you these gifts and ask you to bless and multiply them, that they may become the good work and word that comforts and strengthens both our hearts and the hearts of others. Amen. 

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