Good and generous God, you bless us with favor and count us as your people. Freed by your grace, let us extend your generosity to others, sharing our bread with the poor, pleading the cause of the afflicted, and receiving all who assemble in your name with the warmth of your love and the richness of your hospitality; in the good name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
The LORD sets the prisoners free;
the LORD opens the eyes of the blind.
The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down;
the LORD loves the righteous.
The LORD watches over the strangers;
he upholds the orphan and the widow.
Come! Let us worship our God together.
God of favor, we are not true to you. You chose the poor in the world, but we dishonor them. You plead the cause of the afflicted, but we crush them. We do not love our neighbors as ourselves. We favor the rich and despise the poor. We dismiss the needy with empty words. Soften our hearts and make straight our ways. Heal our unbelief and turn us back to you. (Silent Confession)
Those who are generous are called blessed. Better than silver and gold is our God’s favor. From the riches of God’s grace, let us present our gifts of gratitude to bless those in need. Let us pray…
Generous God, thank you for these gifts we bring from your abundance. Bless both gifts and givers to show your love to all those in need. We pray this through our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, healer of the sick, advocate of the afflicted, provider of the poor. Amen.
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