Sunday, May 12, 2024

Worship Prayers May 12 Youth Sunday

 CENTERING PRAYER Good and gracious God, we rise with the morning light to give you thanks for rest and dreams, for warmth and safety, for the delight we have again today in a life filled with your goodness. Keep us in your care this day that we may walk in your path, glad for friends, praying for our enemies, and eager to hear your Word. Amen.

CALL TO WORSHIP We come to worship Jesus Christ: with our fears and our doubts. We come to worship Jesus Christ: with our joys and our passions. We come to worship Jesus Christ: with our whole being and all that we are. Jesus comes to meet us here. Let us worship the risen Christ!

CALL TO CONFESSION Gather now and celebrate! We celebrate an awesome God who loves us! We have been saved! We have been saved by God’s hand of grace! Saved by God’s awesome love!

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Creator of the Universe. We have witnessed your awesome power and amazing grace. Yet we have challenged your authority, exploited the world you created, and abused your gifts of new life. Yet you still reach out and call us your children. We have heard your call, yet we have wandered from your teaching. We have taken lightly your ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection power. We have discounted your worth and shut you out of our lives. Yet you still reach out and call us forgiven and clean. We have experienced your power, yet we live as if you don’t exist. We have failed to acknowledge your presence in us making us one. Yet you still reach out and call us the body of Christ. Have mercy Lord. Forgive us we pray. Amen.

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH We believe in God, the author of grace. Grace to heal, grace to save, grace that is stronger than our sins. Grace that works mighty deeds, awesome and glorious. Grace that has remained strong from ages past to present. We believe in Jesus, the heart and hands of grace. Grace that freely accepts us with love and compassion. Grace that liberates us by the power of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Grace that remains faithful and strong through the good times and the bad. We believe in the Spirit, the very breath of grace. Grace that empowers us to stand and work for truth and justice. Grace that quietly brings healing to our lives, our relationships, and our world. We believe in the Church and the ministry of grace. Grace that we have seen and touched in the water and the wine. Grace that we share daily with our families, friends, neighbors, and world. We are called to grace. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE For all who hunger Something to eat For all who thirst Something to drink May all who are outside Be invited in May all who are exposed Be sheltered and clothed For all who are sick Healing and comfort For all who are imprisoned Liberation and love Give us eyes to see And Hearts to know That as we do for the least of these We do for you, O Christ We do for you. Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name. Come and set up your kingdom, so that everyone on earth will obey you, as you are obeyed in heaven. Give us our food for today. Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others. Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

BENEDICTION RESPONSE He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me, and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives! He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives: He lives within my heart!

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