PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP: God of refreshment: call us from the concerns of our daily lives to be nourished anew by your presence, that we may live faithfully as sisters and brothers in your church and as servants in your world. May our service drive us to worship and our worship empower us for service; through Christ, our risen Savior. Amen.
CALL TO WORSHIP (Adapted from Psalm 72:18-19)
Leader: Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel.
People: Who alone does marvelous deeds.
Leader: Praise be to God’s glorious name forever;
People: May the whole earth be filled with God’s glory.
Leader: Let us worship our glorious God.
Lord, after all of the ways we have dreamed up to hurt You, it would serve us right if You would not want to have anything to do with us. You should have left us to destroy ourselves and each other. We thank You Lord that You did not give us what we deserve. We thank You that Your love for us has never waned. Give us a clear understanding for all the things that You have had to forgive in us and help us to respond to Your call to us with gratitude and love. Thank You for loving us and for coming after us when we ran from You. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.