Sunday, June 8, 2014

Getting Rid of I Disease

Prayer in Preparation for Worship:
Loving and Beloved God, in the resurrection of Christ you have overcome the powers of this world and shown your saving love for all people. As Christ has loved us, may we remain in his love, growing in love for one another through Christ your Incarnate Love, to whom with you and the Spirit, one holy God, be honor and praise now and forever.  Amen

Prayer of Confession:
Almighty God, should we try to compare ourselves to You, we are like a grain of sand compared to the oceans.  Your greatness, power and wisdom are beyond our comprehension.  Yet we often pretend that you are a little more than our guardian, whose sole purpose is to make our lives turn out the way we want them too.  We often pretend that what we want is Your will instead of bringing our desires into line with Your plan for us and our world.

Forgive us Lord for trying to make you small and petty like us.  Forgive us for not accepting You for who You are and trusting that You know what is best for us, Your world and Your church.  Help us to lay our selfishness aside long enough to get a glimpse of who You really are, so that we can begin to trust Your greatness, power and wisdom to guide us.  We pray in Jesus name, Amen.

1 Corinthians 8
For the sermon June 1,  click here

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