It was the first day of St. Mark Presbyterian's VBS and I walked into church as the morning was ending. The narthex, sanctuary, hallways, and classrooms had been transformed into colorful places of wonder and worship.
Workshop of Wonders was this year’s VBS theme. Months of preparation went into planning and getting ready. Children’s ministry committee members and dedicated volunteers had helped with decorations and lesson plans for weeks. As it got closer to the first day of VBS we hoped it would all come together in time…it seemed there was still so much more to do!
I visited with a few campers at the end of that first morning. They showed me their craft activity…a pizza box with wooden popsicle sticks glued inside to make a marble maze. At the top of the box they wrote “God is A-Mazing.” How true I thought! God is Amazing! Vacation Bible School had begun and everything had come together. Those things that didn’t happen the way we had hoped or wanted didn’t matter to those children who spent that morning exploring God’s wonders and discovering their own creative gifts. At the end of the day they all joined together in the sanctuary to sing their new songs of praises to God.
We as adults can learn much from the simple messages taught in VBS. When we are overwhelmed by all that we think we have to do on our own we need to remember “You are the God who works wonders.” (Psalm 77:14a, CEB) Yes, God is A-Mazing!