PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP: In the beginning before time, before people, before the world began, God was. Here and now, among us, beside us, enlisting the people of earth for the purposes of heaven, God is. In the future, when we have turned to dust and all we know has found fulfillment, God will be. Not denying the world but delighting in it, not condemning the world, but redeeming it, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God was, God is, God will be. Amen CALL TO WORSHIP
One: We are empty, fill us up, to make noise, plant seeds, take what seems to be empty and fill it with sounds, praise, shouts, beats, joy, lament, growth, God.
Many: Sun, song, story and sling
Beats, bands, bops and brings
Feed, free, fill and fling!
Sound, slam, sowers and seed
Plant, pray, preach and plead
Root, reach, roar and read!
Creator God, who grows and nurtures all living things, we cry out to you with faces hidden, eyes lowered and voices softened. We have seen what has been done. We have heard what has been said. But we put on repeat what should not be repeated, we turn away instead of speaking truth. We throw away precious life, treat your creation like garbage and scatter hurtful words like ash. And yet we hold on to things that if let go of would free us all into more joy, more hope and more calm. Give us clear eyes and honest tongues that witness to your coming kingdom. You are our greatest hope in life and in death. Amen.

To hear the sermon "Reflections", click here

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