Sunday, May 31, 2015

Worship May 24

THE TIME OF CENTERING: O God, whose glory is our hope, whose love is our deepest joy: Open us this day to the presence of your Spirit and the truth of your gospel, that our lives may be challenged and our faith strengthened; through Jesus the Christ, to whom with you and the Spirit, one holy God, be honor and praise, now and forever. Amen

In the beginning was God. God’s Spirit moved across space and time. From chaos was order established; from darkness came forth light; from the very stuff of the earth was humanity created. God gave life with the breath of God’s Spirit. We rejoice in the life we have been given. We come to worship God our Creator. Thanks be to God!

O God, we confess that we are forever confessing, forever counting on your promise of forgiveness but not on the life-renewing power of your Spirit. Let that Spirit move among us now; let it burn away all ego and selfishness, all laziness and sloth. Let it move and transform us before we confess again. We pray in Jesus name. Amen

The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

For Pastor Susan's sermon "Breath of God"  click here.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Circle Of Concern Charity Golf Tournament

The annual Circle Of Concern Charity Golf Tournament is fast approaching, September 11.  Registration will commence in June so keep on the lookout for the forms to register your teams, be a sponsor, and/or make a financial donation. 

Please visit for more information on registration, sponsors, donations, payment, etc.

Good news this year, there are two ways you can pay to play or donate.  If you would like to pay by credit card, you can call Circle Of Concern at 636-861-2623.  If you would like to pay by check, please make your check out to St Mark Presbyterian Church and along with your registration form place in the church office Golf Mailbox or mail it to the church.  Attention COC Charity Golf Tourney. You do NOT have to play in the tournament to support Circle and this worthy cause; you can support Circle as a “Sponsor” or “Friend”.  You can make a ‘cash’ donation and have the capability to spread your total donation out by making a couple of monthly payments during June/July/August/September to make it easier.

Circle Of Concern feeds the hungry and provides long-term and emergency assistance to low-income families living in western St Louis County.  St Mark supports this cause numerous ways through dry donations from our congregation of food, school supplies, birthday items, adopt a family, etc.  Another way to support Circle Of Concern is through financial donations.  The entire proceeds generated from this tournament goes to Circle Of Concern.  This is a premier event in Circle’s September “GO ORANGE” campaign to raise awareness of hunger.  This charity golf tournament has netted over $70,000 to date.  Cash contributions allows Circle of Concern to purchase items that cannot be generated through dry donations; i.e. dairy products, meat, frozen food, vegetables, and fruit to name a few.

Proverbs 19:17; Whoever is generous to poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

Thank you and please keep those ‘in need’ in our hearts and prayers.  Personal disasters can happen to anyone and at any time.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Upcoming Youth Events

June 6: Depart for Montreat
            Ballwin Days Parade
June 10: VBS Potluck 5:15 p.m.
June 14: Return from Montreat
June 20: Youth Bowling to Strike out Heroin (watch for further details)
June 24: VBS Potluck 5:15 p.m.
June 27/28: Youth Worship Weekend
June 28/July 12: VBS Leader Training @ 10:30 a.m.
Montreat group 2014

"This is Our Story" is the theme for Montreat this summer. We are loading up the bus and embarking on the journey to Montreat, North Carolina June 6-14. We look forward to having awesome worship, fellowship, and strengthening our relationships with God and one another. Stay tuned for how our trip goes! The youth will be leading worship June 27th & 28th reflecting on our experience! Students, if you are attending Montreat, please be prepared to share your experience!

We are gearing up for VBS July 20-25! We need youth volunteers! Signups are available in Katie’s office, in the Narthex, and online (click here)! We would love to see you on June 10th, 24th& July 1st @ 5:15 to help make decorations and learn about the scriptures connected to God’s Great Force, G-Force!

One of our Youth, Hazel Herman, has been cast in The Muny’s production of Hairspray! It opens June 23rd. We are getting a group together to go see her and support her! Contact Katie Sternhagen for more information!

August 9th: Blessing of the Backpacks
August 29th/30th: Youth led Worship
September 13th: Education & Program Year Begins
November 14-16th: Senior High Retreat at Mound Ridge
November 20-21st: Presbytery Middle School Retreat at Mound Ridge

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Summer Worship Schedule

Beginning Sunday, June 7, the worship schedule at St. Mark will switch to a new summer format approved by Session. The intent of the summer worship schedule is to establish an atmosphere of worshipping God as a joined community on Sunday mornings during our time of transition to an interim pastor.

The Saturday evening worship in Fellowship Hall at 5 pm will remain a part of the summer format, as it provides a unique, casual worshipping experience especially enjoyed through the summer months.
Summer Sunday morning worship service will begin at 9:30 in the Sanctuary. On September 13, the worship times will return to the current schedule of two worship services on Sunday mornings (8:30 and 10:30).
May 2004 Newsletter

A summer worship schedule is often experienced at churches throughout our community, and was last practiced at St. Mark in 2004, where it was well received and very successful. It is the intent of the Worship Committee and Session that our worship experience this summer continues to draw us close to God with our hearts, souls and minds. Please join us Saturday evenings at 5 pm or Sunday mornings at 9:30 as we gather to worship and praise God.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

ABC Sale is Coming!

The Sale is Coming!  The Sale is Coming!

The week of July 5 will be here before you know it!  So please begin to/continue to collect those items that you would like to contribute to the ABC sale.  (It's really helpful if you can pre-sort these items and label them according to their areas, such as Women's Clothing, Housewares, Sporting Goods, etc..

Begin bringing the items in after the 10:30 service on Sunday, July 5.  Need help to unload your car?  Pull up at the kitchen door and someone will be there to assist you.  We will be able to accept the goods from 8:00-1:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of that week as well.  

Want to know how else you might help?  There is a sign-up poster in the narthex; please indicate what department you would like to work in and when you are available.  All committees need help before the sale as well as the days of the sale, July 10-11.  You will be contacted by the chairperson before the sale.  

Want to shop the sale (which benefits over 10 local charities supported by our Deacons)?  The sale hours are (Early Bird, admission $5) 7:00-8:00 on Friday, then regular shopping from 8:00-1:00.  Saturday shopping is 8:00-12:00.

Available to help set up or to take down?  Contact Glenn Knopf.  Available to provide food for the workers or to help in the kitchen?  Contact Marie Holt or Marti Fruechte. 

Further questions?  Contact Vicki Chabot, Cindy Bartell, Glenn Knopf or Becky Pierce.  Let's all help to make this the biggest and best ABC sale ever!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Beyond Housing Volunteers Needed

St. Mark Presbyterian has an outreach opportunity for you in May!    No special skills required, thought if you have them, we will put them to good use!  You have a chance to make a difference by giving a little time and sweat to improve some lives.  

 We need volunteers (that means YOU!) to spend the day removing/repairing drywall and backsplash in a home in St. Louis with Beyond Housing, a local non-profit that rehabs homes for low income families.  No special skills required other and a good attitude.  Beyond Housing will provide basic tools and gloves, but you are encouraged to bring your own.  Closed toe shoes are required.  We will meet at 8 am on Saturday May 30 to carpool over to the worksite and work from 9 am-3 pm.  We need to give Beyond Housing a head count, so please contact Scott Collier to reserve a place on the team. More info on Beyond Housing can be found at

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Worship Prayers May 17

THE TIME OF CENTERING:  God of beauty and truth:  as we gather to honor you in prayer and song, may our living in the coming week honor your ways, that all earth’s people may live in unity and peace.  Amen

God calls us and we respond; Christ leads us, and we are to follow; the Spirit beckons us, and we are urged to enter into new life.
We come to worship the God of life and laughter, hope and anticipation, peace and wholeness.

O Christ, you stood in the midst of the disciples and brought peace to their lives.  Why are we so troubled and not at peace?  Troubled by what people say or what others do?  Troubled by what happens around us?  Troubled by our lack of faith and disillusioned by tragedy? Forgive us, O God…grant us peace.  May we build our faith on Christ’s word and the apostle’s story.  May we grow in love.  In Christ’s name.  Amen

Saturday, May 23, 2015

St Mark Blood Drive - Sunday May 31st

Our second blood drive of 2015 will be held on Sunday, May 31st from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Gleason Hall.  The need is great for your donation.  The Red Cross makes it very convenient for us to donate by showing up at our doorstep.  This is a great opportunity for us to help save lives.   Did you know . . . That about 5 million Americans receive blood transfusions each year.  Every pint counts!

Please donate or volunteer to help that Sunday.

Our first blood drive of the year was a success.  The Red Cross collected 34 units of blood, twelve more than our average.

Hebrews 13:16:  Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God

Friday, May 22, 2015


"On the Day of Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit descending in a mighty rush of wind and flame to inspire the church’s proclamation of Christ’s rising and to empower its mission and ministry to the world. (See Acts 2:1-13; see also Joel 2:28-32.)
The notion of Easter as a season of 50 days ending at Pentecost is patterned after the ancient Jewish festival of seven weeks that extended from the beginning of the barley harvest (on the second day after the beginning of Passover) to the end of the wheat harvest at the Festival of Weeks or Shavuot (see Deuteronomy 16:9-12). The Festival of Weeks later came to be called Pentecost (“50th day”) by Greek speaking Jews. In Jewish tradition, Shavuot also marks the giving of the law to Moses at Sinai; this liturgical link may inform Paul’s discussions of the law and the Spirit (see Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 3 and Galatians 3). "(for more, click here)
At St. Mark Presbyterian, we encourage everyone to wear red this weekend May 23-24.  Last weekend we welcomed our Confirmands to full membership.  Let's also remember those youth who do not have the same opportunities.  give generously to the Special Offering,which assists youth in education, support and care---locally, nationally and globally.  Mark your check "Pentecost" or use the special envelope.  Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Vacation Bible School 2015

Calling all kids (ages 3 to 5th grade)!  It's time to sign up for Vacation Bible School which will be held July 20-24 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Ballwin.

Vacation Bible School is a week-long morning Bible study program that encourages the personal and spiritual growth of our children, youth and adults through various activities and fellowship prviding tangible opportunities to share God's love with the community.

Registration is currently open with a $5 savings if paid by June 15. (Scholarships are also available)

We are currently looking for good Coaches and Junior Assistant Coaches to help during the week.  If you can be available for a morning or the whole week, please contact Ellen Hynes at 636-394-2233.

Click here for more information on registration.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Spring Clean with BRO

 Board of Religious Organization Spring Toy Drive

It's spring cleaning time and BRO can use any toys your children no longer play with.  BRO collects new and gently used toys, dolls, books, games, puzzles, art kits and Legos (sets are not necessary).  We will distribute them to about 5500 needy St. Louis children at Christmas.  Especially needed are toys appropriate for children ages 6-10.  Items may be placed in the BRO gray collection container in the Pre-school entrance at St. Mark Presbyterian.  For further information, contact S.Boeker or L. Grothe.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Prayer from Worship May 10

Courtyard at St. Mark Presbyterian Church


The spirit of God calls us from many places;
some of us come from busy homes with many people
some of us live alone.
We are part of the family.
This week has been different for each of us;
some of us have had happy news we want to celebrate
some of us have faced grief and need to cry.
We are members of God’s family.
Yet we all come to this same place;
all of us seeking God’s presence in our lives
all of us seeking God’s presence with each other.
Together we become God’s family.  

In you, O God, every family on earth receives its name.  As we consider the divisions that scar our nations, our communities, and our families, we pray for illumination; that our homes will be infused with the light of your love.  Where we have not reached out with compassion toward those who are lonely, awaken us.  Where we have not responded with courage on behalf of those who are in danger, forgive us.  Where we have not shared in the burdens or bonds of family life, have mercy upon us.  Remind us that we love because you first loved us.  Grant us your peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

For Pastor Susan's sermon "Dripping Wet", Click here.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Prepare Your Pet For An Emergency

5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Pet

If you are like millions of animal owners nationwide, your pet is an important member of your household. Unfortunately, animals are also affected by disaster. The likelihood that you and your animals will survive an emergency such as a fire, flood, or tornado depends largely on emergency planning done today. 

Ready Campaign from FEMA, May 8, 2015

Here are five easy ways to prepare your pet for an emergency:

1) Identify a shelter

2) Pack a pet kit

3) Update your pet's ID

4) Protect your pet during a disaster

5) Keep an eye on your pet after an emergency

Click here for more information on how to prepare your pet during an emergency

Click here

Proverbs 12:10:  Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Chicken and Angel Hair Pasta Recipe

8 oz. thin spaghetti, cooked

1/2 onion, minced

2T butter

2T flour (all purpose)

1 cup Chicken Broth

1 Tsp salt

1 Tsp dry mustard

1/2 Tsp pepper

1 can evaporated Milk

3-4 oz. sliced mushrooms (fresh or canned)

3 cups chicken (or turkey) cut up

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Parmesan Cheese sprinkled on top

Sauté onion in butter. Blend in flour, salt, pepper and mustard. Add evaporated milk, cheddar cheese and broth. Mix well. Cook until slightly thickened. Boil ONE minute. Add mushrooms. Mix all with chicken and cooked spaghetti. Place in a greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top. 

Bake at 425 for 20 minutes or until bubbly. Let cool a few minutes and then cut into squares.

Can be made ahead and refrigerated until ready to cook. Cook at 400 for about 45 minutes instead of 425 for 20 minutes,

Recipe can be doubled and still be placed in a 9x13 pan.

Grandma Sprague's Chicken Tetrazzini served at St. Mark Presbyterian's Daughter's of God Luncheon

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Miles Against Melanoma


Helping Ourselves While Helping Others

For the fourth year, on June 6, 2015, members of St. Mark will be participating in the Miles Against Melanoma Night 5K event (race, music, fun). The St. Mark congregation has several families who had or presently are dealing with melanoma. The money raised is used to educate, support research, and assist families who are affected by this deadly disease.

The event is in St. Peters, in the evening, after the intensity of the sun has lessened. Melanoma often develops from unprotected and excessive sun exposure. Entertainment for all is from 5:30-10:30. Those registering have many choices for the ‘race’: the 3.1 miles or the one mile course, walking (or running) untimed or timed, and a kid fun run. A discount of $5 is deducted when registering as a team member. We are the ‘St. Mark Milers’ team.  Register today to get a T-shirt!  Go to

Come and engage in some exercise for yourself, enjoy the company of others also moving their bodies for good health, and contribute financial support to the melanoma community. Let’s be a church in action and motion!