Saturday Evening Worship |
When I was a little girl, my mother told me, "The best friends you'll ever have are found at church." Sure, I have high school, college, teaching friends that I love going out to lunch with, but now that I am retired, most are not here on a daily basis when I feel low or need encouragement.
"Church friends" are a special kind of friend. If you think "church friends" are those you say hello to when passing the peace at worship, you are missing out on so much. They are the people you share your joys and sorrows with in prayers. They are the people who send you cards when it's your birthday or a casserole when you are recovering from illness. They are the people you work beside at the ABC Sale or plan the next luncheon with. They are the people you study the Bible with. They are the people you share your special skills with: decorating, gardening, finance, teaching, music. They are part of your community of believers.
Go-getters Going Out to Lunch |
I have two friends whose husbands are handicapped. Oddly, they both attended the same nearby church. They both confess they have stopped going to church because it's just too hard. My response to them has been they are missing out on so much. When your life becomes difficult is EXACTLY the time your church becomes an important element in your life. To stay at home can be so isolating. Just coming to Wednesday evening dinners can open up a person's world. If anyone understands messy lives, the church people do. We have all been there and can help with prayers, Stephen's Ministry counseling, a meal or two.
I have read many statistics on how our country while remaining "spiritual" has stopped going to church. This makes me sad for those people. On Facebook the other day, a friend posted a link to a blog which also discusses the importance of going to church.
Click here.
Children's Ministry delivering boxes for needy children |
Encourage neighbors, friends and acquaintances to attend church. We will soon be starting a new programming year with a new interim pastor. What a great time for someone to start attending. We have Sunday School classes, Midweek, Go-getters, the PW Brunch and New Member classes beginning.
Click here for more on what St. Mark Presbyterian has to offer.
Small Group going out to dinner |
Book Club |
Jaclyn Morgan