If you don't have a team, no problem, signup and we will place you with others who are also singles.
This year we will have four (4) hole-in-one awards for the serious golfer or the lucky golfer. Prizes are: Apple I-Pod Mini, Bushnell GPS Watch, Taylor Made Irons, and a $10,000 Grand Prize.
There are two ways you can pay to play or donate. To pay by credit card, call Circle Of Concern at 636-861-2623. To pay by check, make your check out to St Mark Presbyterian Church, attention COC Charity Golf Tourney and along with your registration form place in the church office Golf Mailbox or mail it to the church. You do NOT have to play in the tournament to support Circle and this worthy cause; you can support Circle as a “Sponsor” or “Friend” with a cash donation.
Please visit http://www.discoverstmark.org/events/charity-golf-tournament/ for more information on registration, sponsors, donations, payment, etc.
Bob Lienemann, Event Coordinator for more information
Proverbs 19:17; Whoever is generous to poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.
Thank you and please keep those ‘in need’ in our hearts and prayers. Personal disasters can happen to anyone and at any time.
Thank you and please keep those ‘in need’ in our hearts and prayers. Personal disasters can happen to anyone and at any time.
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