All who dwell in the shelter of the Most High abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
God is our refuge and our strength, in God, we place our trust.
Come into God's presence with joy and longing.
God is our hope and our salvation.
God of justice and righteousness, you lift up the lowly and fill the empty, and reach out the poor and brokenhearted. You call us to lead lives of generous compassion. Yet often we cannot even see those in need. In our eagerness for wealth and riches, we have wandered away from you and pierced ourselves with many pains. When we seek too much for ourselves, when we find priority in power and wealth, when we hold on to those things that hurt others, have mercy on us. Help us to walk in the ways of justice, to practice kindness, to seek out forgiveness, and to pursue love.
SCRIPTURE READING Luke16:19-31, p. 79
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