PRAYER IN PREPARATION: Lord God, you are resurrection and life. We wait for you, and in your Word we trust. Set our hearts and minds on Jesus, the source of life and peace. Through our worship, show us who we are: bearers of good news, messengers of resurrection. Amen.
Here, we gather to worship God; we come to gather up hope.
Here, we find renewed strength, to invigorate our faith.
Here, we await God's word to us; God waits to fill our hearts.
Here, we are reminded of God dwelling in us;
we encounter the One who wipes away our tears.
Here, we seek God's deliverance, crying out from the deepest places in our lives.
Here, we meet the One who weeps with us; we are given the hope for which we long.
Living God, breathe fresh life in us. Quell in us impatience, anger, pride, and arrogance. We confess that these things cripple us, bind us, bury us. These things steal life from others around us, and cut us off from you, who are life itself. Forgive us our doubts and fears when we cut you off and lose hope. Breathe upon our weary bones, lift us up with the spirit of life. Call us forth to new life. Give us courage to believe in you, and boldness to live for you.
John 11:17-44, p. 105
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