Monday, June 26, 2017

Bell Choir Openings

GIVE-IT-A-TRY Bell Choir!

On Wednesday, July 12 at 6:30 pm interested musicians are invited to give bell-ringing a try. This is open to middleschoolers through adults who have had a year minimum of private instrumental lessons or band/ orchestra experience. We will learn/review basic bell ringing and learn to play an easy piece that we can present to the congregation on Sunday, July 16. Experienced ringers from our current bell choirs are also welcome, but to get new experience, I will be asking these ringers to play on bells that they have not played during the last year.

Please see me after worship or send me an email at BY JULY 9 so that I have a head-count when I choose pieces to rehearse. THANK YOU to our solo and ensemble musicians who have prepared music this summer for worship, while our choirs are on break. All of them have spent extra time rehearsing, and for many, it is a little scary to get up in front of the congregation and sing alone or with just a small group, rather than be in a large choir. I thank them for their time, talent, and willingness to GIVE-IT-A-TRY with their best effort and intention.

Serving God the best that I can. Marsha

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