Monday, April 16, 2018

Deacons Doings

 As a Deacon, I enjoy serving St. Mark and the community by coordinating and advertising Red
Cross blood drives, in addition to maintaining our church first aid kits. Giving blood is a painless way for every member of St. Mark to give back to the community, and if you can, I highly encourage you to consider donating during our next blood drive.

St. Mark sponsors four blood drives a year, and we’ve been averaging 18-20 donors each drive. Many who donate are not St. Mark members. Each donation can benefit up to three recipients, so we can positively affect up to 60 lives for each blood drive. Since we regularly have our own church members facing surgeries to improve their health, blood donations can be helping our own church family as well as others.

As the coordinator, I advertise the events, and set up Gleason Hall for the Red Cross team so they can quickly organize and be ready to accept donations. I enjoy checking in the donors, and meeting others from outside the church who’ve come in to donate. I’ve found that advertising the events in, a local social networking site, has been helpful in reaching non-St Mark members, in addition to publicizing the opportunities in our church bulletins and Facebook page.

Did you know that we also maintain first aid kits throughout the church, as well as an automatic emergency defibulator? The AED is mounted under the large first aid kit in the Narthex near the coat racks. Everyone should know where it is and be able to follow the instructions on how to use it in time of need. Keith Monteith, Health & Wellness Deacon

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