Sunday, July 28, 2019

Worship Prayers July 21

CENTERING PRAYER God, we have too many things to do today! Help us to see you in everything we do, in everything we say. Help us to take a deep breath and remember the Holy Spirit is inside us, with us, around us. Help us to pause, drink a glass of water, and remember our baptism and the covenant you established. Help us to study your Word, and think not just of the past, but also of how you act in the present. Help us to work for and with our brothers and sisters, giving kindness, sharing hope, and living out the faith you give us. Amen.

CALL TO WORSHIP God is good and loving to the faithful. Give thanks and praise for all God does for us. God is good! Praise the Lord!

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Giving God, you provide every good thing, but we hunger after possessions that will never fill us. Loving God, you call us to return to your tender arms, but we thirst for acceptance in faraway places. Almighty God, you pursue us with the light of your Word, but we prefer to live in the darkness of our selfishness and prejudice. We confess our intolerance, our indifference, and our unwillingness to heed your call to follow. Forgive us, and help us to remember daily that you are the deepest desire of our hearts. We continue to pray in Jesus’ name. (Silent Confession)

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