Holy God, you command us not to be afraid and assure us of your presence. In the midst of trials and joys, sorrows and dreams may we know your presence and rejoice. Grant us courage, O God, to take delight in your spirit in all times and all places. Grant us faith, O God, to see the myriad of ways you give life. Grant us hope, O God, to participate in your work in the world. Grant us love, O God, to welcome, respond, and act with compassion in all we say and do. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.
Come, make a joyful noise, sing praises!
Come, let us worship the Lord!
Holy God we come before you a broken people in a broken world. We confess we have ignored, yet again, your assured presence. We have forged our own paths and charted our own waters. In the name of independence we have ignored your aid, your comfort, and your peace. We have called upon you in desperation rather than recalling your mighty and faithful acts in all times and places. Forgive us. You have been with us in exile and liberation; be with us even now. (Silent Confession)
In celebration of the God of life
who sustains, upholds, saves, and watches over us,
let us continue our worship
through the offering of our gifts, tithes, and offerings
to almighty God. Please pray with me.
For the gifts offered this day and every day
we give thanks, O God.
Make us good stewards of all you have entrusted to our care.
May these gifts be used to serve your beloved creation,
to sustain your children in all they say and do,
and to build up your kingdom throughout the earth.
Holy God your loving-kindness knows no ending. Hag. 2:5
Out of the depths of slavery you heard the cry of
your people
and responded with liberation.
Hear us from the depths of our captivity.
For your people held captive by addictions that ravage body,
mind, and spirit we affirm:
your Spirit abides among us, we will not fear.
For your people held captive by violence, abuse, and
exploitation we attest:
your Spirit abides among us, we will not fear.
For your people held captive by illness, weakness, and
vulnerability we recall:
your Spirit abides among us, we will not fear.
For your people held captive by economic or
vocational poverty we proclaim:
your Spirit abides among us, we will not fear.
Holy God your loving-kindness knows no ending.
Hear our prayers and keep us faithful
until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
in whose name we pray. Amen.
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