Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Getting the blog by e-mail


Yes, getting the blog by e-mail will no longer be an option after July 2021.  We will still be writing the blog, but you will need to access it either through the church web-site or go directly to the blog and bookmark it.  We hope to have updates from time to time on our Facebook pages, as well.

One of our goals with the blog was to have different kinds of writing, so if you like our blog posts better some days than others, I'll let you in on my loose organization. 

Monday---missions and music program

Tuesday---testimonials and inspiration from the congregation

Wednesday---events mostly from Presbyterian Women or Children's Ministry

Thursday---our pastors' writing

Friday---"Daily Prayer" and lectionary for the day

Saturday--scripture for worship the next day

Sunday---order of worship

Sometimes Thursdays get inspiration from the congregation  and music may be on Wednesday, but generally speaking this is the schedule we use.

We hope you will continue to follow us although it will take a little more intentionality than before.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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