This past year, 2021, was another very challenging year (seems like they all are, don’t they!), but we again were able to stay safe and stay open! We saw several of our long-time employees retire, but we were able to hire 24 new workers despite all of what 2021 brought, and provided our unique program service to 424 individuals the past year. We continue to be very blessed. Our dedicated employees who had to stay home in 2021 but performed training via Zoom, or worked at home, transitioned back to work during the year, and we eventually reached 98% attendance back in the shops by September.
Once again, as I have stated over and over, what a pleasure it is to work with people who love having a job! We again received great financial support from our sponsors throughout the year which enabled us to employ those new folks and keep everyone following safety protocols. This year, we conducted free COVID vaccination shots; round 1 & 2 in the Spring, and then the booster shot in late Fall. In between there were free flu shots as well! We served over 4,000 individual free healthy lunches.
In September to celebrate our 45th anniversary, we held our Employee family celebration and picnic in person—with an attendance of almost 400! At the end of the year we again awarded 5 more gold watches (for 25 years of service), bringing the total to 98 that we have given out in the last 16 years. Is that not something special!
On the business side of our operation. We again produced close to 10 million packages. As you recall in October 2020 we entered into a partnership with McArthur’s bakery in Kirkwood to open up the “Pioneer Café” on Kirkwood’s main street. McArthur’s runs the bakery, and we train persons with intellectual disabilities. Well, this has been a tremendous success, as we received a State-wide award for innovation, and the program was interviewed by all the major TV stations in St. Louis, PBS, and NBC’s Today show!
I again would like to convey my personal thanks for your continuous support and constant prayers as well as thank those St. Mark private donors who made contributions, as well as the St. Mark Presbyterian Women and the Deacons who support us every year.
Unfortunately, 2021 saw the passing of R. McLuen, who, along with his wife Ethel and several noted individuals, founded Lafayette. Bob was a determined visionary that resulted in the betterment of thousands of lives. We all will be forever in debt and gratitude to Bob, Ethel, and our other selfless Founders for making such a difference in those -- and our lives -- as well. There would be no Lafayette Industries were it not for the McLuen’s and a handful of other families who, back in 1976, were looking for a post-schooling work opportunity for their adult children with disabilities.
With funding from the state of Missouri, they opened a modest, one room warehouse with an oil- and grease-filled floor in Valley Park, Missouri. There were 16 workers originally, including the McLuen’s son, Kenny. Today there are 411. Wow.
Speaking of Kenny, our very 1st employee, he celebrated his 45th year of employment in September, and retired on Dec. 13, 2021. What an inspiration for us all. The vision that founded Lafayette continues to hold true today as it did in 1976---to provide employment to deserving folks that gives them Dignity through work and the opportunity to use their God-given talents and abilities, just like the rest of us.
To Bob and Ethel, Boots and Bob, Rev. Howard and Rosella Gleason, Bev and Bob, and to the St. Mark’s community----we are forever indebted to you. Thank you once again, may God continue to bless you all very much, and here’s to a Safe and Happy 2022!
Respectfully submitted, Rob Libera CEO & Executive Director