Sunday, December 4, 2022

Worship Prayers Dec. 3 and 4




O Root of Jesse, O Peace, stir up your power within us as we wait with abundant expectation. Fulfill your eternal promise, emerge among us in a new and powerful way, and reign over us today. We ask this of you our Maker, Savior, and Giver of Life, one God, now and forever. Amen.



CALL TO WORSHIP – Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy





Gracious and welcoming God, have mercy on your people. We confess we do not believe in your incarnation. We do not heed your word each day in all we say and do. We do not see our neighbors, families, and friends as beloved children whom you made. In your mercy, forgive us, for we repent of our ways and look to your power to heal us and raise us up, so that, at the last, you will gather us to you and give us peace. (Silent Confession)





We bear fruit worthy of our repentance when we give our tithes and offerings for the well-being of the world and those in need. Let us pray…


We give you thanks, Holy One, for all good things:

for this universe and for Earth itself,

for creatures and plants, for water and food, for light and darkness;

for Jesus, our brother, who enlarged our vision,

setting himself before us as the bread and wine of abundant life;

and for the Holy Spirit, who comes to us in baptism

and moves in our midst with the power to lead us to you.

Turn our offerings to your good will,

and turn us always to you in gratitude.


For the complete bulletin, click here.

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