Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Warm Light of Advent


The English preacher, William Lonsdale Watkinson, is credited with coining the phrase, “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.” I don’t know if the sermon took place during Advent or in the December cold, but I like to think it did. The late sunrises and early sunsets testify the days are shorter, and the nights are longer. It’s natural to think on other places where the darkness has laid hold with its icy grip. The war in Ukraine is about to enter its third year, the Holy Land is filled with terror, and it feels like the only certainty in our world is uncertainty. Closer to home, we witness the horrors of mass shootings, experience incivility whenever we dare to enter the political public square, and are living through wild economic swings. I would not blame anyone if they felt a little swearing at the night was in order. There is a better way forward. 

I believe the church liturgical calendar offers up hope (along with peace, joy, and love) for those of us willing to stand up to the night. The next four weeks are the darkest of the year, but we will light candles at the beginning of every worship service. We do this as a way of marking time as we approach Christmas Eve, but we also do it in anticipation of Jesus’ triumphal return. The light was there at the very beginning and this light will lead us through the end. “In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:4-5, NRSV.)

I do not know what long night you might be in right now, but I do know the darkness does not have the final say. 

Hope wins. 

Peace wins. 

Joy wins. 

Love wins. 

Christ wins. 

May we all experience the Advent season of anticipation and preparation with candles, prayers, and praise. May you have the light of Christ in your hearts even on the longest nights. May you reflect this light into the world so desperate to believe there is a better path forward. Little deeds of grace, kindness, and forgiveness might not seem like much, but these lights have the power to change the world. May we hold them up high for everyone to see. In Hope and Confidence, Pastor Dave

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