Sunday, December 3, 2023

Worship Prayers Dec. 3



God of power unexpected, we want you to tear open the heavens and come down; to make mountains quake, water boil, and starts to fall until all nations tremble at your presence! We know you will not perform according to our wants and whims. Instead, you come like the sound of sheer silence: Thin. Quiet. Instead you are born among us as an infant. Instead you show us how love is made perfect in weakness. So, we will stay alert, or at least we will try, because we are your people and there is no other God besides you. Amen.





Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the Sunday in which we recall the hope we have in Christ. The prophets of Israel all spoke of the coming of Christ, of how a savior would be born, a king in the line of David.  They spoke of how he would rule the world wisely and bless all nations.

On Christmas day the Christ of our hope was born.  On Good Friday the Christ of our hope died.  On Easter day the Christ of our hope rose from the dead.  He then ascended into heaven.  On the last day, the Christ of our hope will come again to establish his kingdom over all things on earth.

As the follower of Christ, we await his return. We light this candle to remember that as he came to us as humbly in the manger at Bethlehem and gave light to the world, so he is coming again in power to deliver his people. We light this candle to remind us to be alert and to watch for his return.

(Light the First Candle)





God-with-us, even in Advent, we confess you can seem too far away. You are hidden when we need you near. In our hurt, doubt, and fear, we do not try to draw close to you; instead, we lash out – against you, our neighbor, even those we love. Forgive us, we pray, and come to save us! Let your face shine until our tears are dried, our sins are faded, and our hope is restored. After all, we belong to you, and in your hands, we can be made new. We pray this in Jesus’ name. (Silent Confession)






Invitation to the Offering


God enriches us in every way – in speech, knowledge, and spiritual gifts. From the fellowship of Jesus Christ, we are sent out to share with thanksgiving what we have received.


Prayer after Offering


Let us pray. Faithful God, we thank you that Christ is being revealed in every time and place until he comes again in the fullness of glory. Strengthen our testimony and spiritual gifts; increase generosity in us, we pray, as we wait for the day of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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