Sunday, April 21, 2024

Worship Prayers for April 21

 CENTERING PRAYER – Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918)


O God, we thank you for this earth, our home; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the salt sea and the running water, for the everlasting hills and the never-resting winds, for trees and the common grass underfoot.

We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendor of the summer fields, and taste of the autumn fruits, and rejoice in the feel of the snow, and smell the breath of the spring.

Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty; and save our souls from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thornbush is aflame with your glory, O God our creator,
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.




How many are your works, O Lord!

In wisdom you made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens,

and let your glory be over all the earth;

for all that is in the heavens

and on the earth is yours.

Let us worship our Creator together.





Lord, you call us to till and to keep, to serve and to protect, yet we neglect our responsibilities and your creation suffers. We continue to act in ways that contribute to the disruption of earth’s beauty and integrity. We are distracted by wealth, power, and personal pursuits. We fail to see our abuse of your creation is also an abuse of our relationship with you and with each other. For this we grieve and are sorry. God, grant us forgiveness, fill us with irresistible love, and renew our hearts for your sake and the sake of your creation. (Silent Confession)





Invitation to the Offering

All that we have and all that we are comes from our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. With thankful hearts and thoughtful minds, let us now return a portion of God’s blessing to the work of the church.


Prayer after Offering


Let us pray… Eternal God, the earth is yours and all that is in it. Please accept these tithes, offerings, and gifts and multiply them for the salvation of humanity and the renewal of creation. Amen.


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