Sunday, July 7, 2024

Worship Prayers



God of grace and mercy, you call us to proclaim your healing and faithfully fulfill your kingdom mission. Let us not count the cost of our wins and losses but keep our eyes fixed on you as we seek your realm of peace. Amen.





God is mighty in word and deed.

God’s mercy is everlasting.

Blessed be the one holy and living God.

Glory to God forever.





Holy God, you call us to proclaim your name boldly, yet we are stubborn and rebellious and do not heed your call. By the power of your Spirit, raise us to new life that we may return to faithful living. We continue to pray in Christ’s name. (Silent Confession)






Invitation to the Offering


Jesus calls us to travel light as we serve the world, for God is our strength and provision. Let us faithfully bring our offerings to God.

Prayer after Offering


Let us pray…Source of every good gift, we praise you because your grace is sufficient. Pour out your Spirit upon these offerings that they may increase your blessing to others, through the grace and mercy of Christ. Amen.


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