Sunday, October 6, 2024

Worship Prayers for October 6



God, sometimes we do not understand why bad things happen to good people. Sometimes all we can do is lift up our eyes and hearts to heaven, and scream out loud, Why? Sometimes we do not want to persist in our integrity; we allow our suffering to lead us into despair. Yet, wisdom comes from listening to your Word. Enable us to see the life you have given us through the laughter, joy, trial, and tribulation of your son Jesus Christ, who lived, suffered, died, and was raised for us. In his name we pray. Amen.



CALL TO WORSHIP (Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12)


Long ago, God spoke to our ancestors

through the prophets,           

but in the last days he has spoken to us

through his Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the reflection of God’s glory,

and he sustains all things in the world

by his powerful Word.

Therefore, we will proclaim God’s name.

In the midst of the congregation,

we will praise God.





You gave us commandments, God of love,     because you know the hardness of our hearts. You created us to live in community, and still we oppress others and separate ourselves from each other and from you. Jesus loved the children,

but there are still children in the world who live in hunger or fear, rejected and unloved. Forgive us, and call us to faithfulness. Bind all your children together as siblings, and nurture us with your love and forgiveness, that we might share what we have been given, and receive your kingdom with the wonder and gratitude of children. (Silent Confession)






Invitation to the Offering


In gratitude for all God is doing, we are invited to bring our offerings and tithes for the building up of God’s kingdom.


Prayer after Offering


Let us pray…Blessed are you, our Comfort. You have given Jesus, your only son, who was made lower than the angels for our sake. With thanksgiving, we give of what you provided, that your will may be done in this world. Give us the wisdom and the courage to follow where you lead in this your world. Amen.


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