CENTERING PRAYER* *J. Birch, Worship Resources
“Clear our minds of all that hurts ourselves and others, and in the space a song of joy, a word of praise, a smile, a hug, sharing your love, the simple things that make this world a better place.”
God built the heavens, the earth, and everything in them.
God calls us to be builders as well.
God calls us to build our lives:
to restore broken places and continue to grow.
God calls us to build our faith:
To study the Word and ponder its interpretation.
God calls us to build our community:
to build bridges of understanding and systems of justice.
God calls us to build history by fulfilling the promises of Scripture:
to preach the good news of God’s love and liberation for all people.
Come, let us worship our God together.
God of our Restoration, whenever we come home to you, we realize how far we strayed and how much of your law and your love we forget. We do not love you with our whole hearts or love our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us, heal us, and restore us to our relationship with you. We continue to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. (Silent Confession)
Each one of us is essential
to the life and well-being of the whole body of Christ.
So we come now to share our gifts and resources
in order to care for one another
and, without dissension,
for the world Christ came to save.
Let us pray…
God of life and of new life,
bless these gifts that we give
that they may further your reign in this your world.
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