God of glory, your WORD made a home with us so that we might be at home in you. Gather your children from the farthest places in the world and lead us to that home where the human race can become a human family; through Jesus Christ and in the Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.
The WORD became flesh and lived among us
And we have seen his glory.
The true light that enlightens everyone
has come into the world.
Glory to God who has blessed us in Christ.
Glory to God forever.
Holy God, we confess we are a distracted people and forgetful of your love. We make selfish choices, hurt each other, and perpetuate injustice in your world. We sin against you, and we repent of our many wrongdoings. By the power of your Spirit, forgive, restore, and strengthen us to live in your light and to walk in your truth. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, your WORD made flesh. (Silent Confession)
Invitation to the Offering
Christ lavishes upon us the riches of his grace. Therefore, let us offer our lives and the fruits of our labor to God.
Prayer after Offering
Let us pray… Lord Jesus Christ, your goodness to us is beyond the reaches of our imagination, a fullness of love that embraces all of life. From you, we receive grace upon grace. Accept our offering for the sake of the world. All that we have is yours, and all we return to you is but a reflection of your love for us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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