Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Annual Report: Deacon Committees (Part 2)


This was a transitional year for the Communion Committee. It was not until April that, using advice from Pastor MP, we developed a workable map and guide for Communion Servers to follow. Servers receive their trays below the Chancel. Only the pastors must navigate the steps. Each server is assigned a portion of the sanctuary. Elements are passed from both sides except the one closest to the South wall and the choir loft. Thanks to input from Nancy Sutch, we worked out the procession from the back once servers have finished serving each element. The Communion Committee buys the elements. The star crackers are gluten free. Trays are set up before each Communion service and individual servers assigned to stations in front of the Chancel. They sign up using Signup Genius and receive their instructions via email.


The donation of sanctuary flowers is a wonderful way for our members to honor loved ones and commemorate special events during the year, while, at the same time, helping to beautify our church. During our most holy seasons, Easter and Christmas, members can purchase Easter Lilies and Poinsettias. All plants purchased can be taken home by those who made the donation and shared with whomever the member chooses. 

During 2024: 1) A total of 41 sanctuary bouquets were ordered from a local florist. 2) A total of 9 seasonal silk floral arrangements were purchased to be used for the Sundays when none have been donated by church members. There were also silk floral arrangements purchased for use during the Easter and Christmas seasons. 3) For the Easter season, 18 families donated a total of 37 Easter lilies which were ordered from a local greenhouse for our sanctuary on Easter Sunday. 4) For the Christmas season, silk poinsettia plants were placed in the sanctuary at the beginning of the Advent season prior to the arrival of the live plants. 21 families donated a total of 48 poinsettia plants which were ordered from a local greenhouse for our sanctuary for the Sunday prior to Christmas and for the Christmas Eve services. 

A special thanks to the members of St. Mark who so generously provided flowers during the year. Your participation is greatly appreciated and brought beauty, joy, and a personal church connection to so many. Hopefully you were blessed by the blessing you provided.

WORSHIP SUPPORT COMMITTEE – Liaison Committee Members:  ushers; greeters;  Sanctuary setup;  Communion; Pastor MP - Liturgists . Worship Support provides help when needed for the above groups. Thanks to Pastor MP and her technical know-how, ushers, liturgists, and Communion support moved to using Signup Genius, making the process of contacting members to perform those functions much easier. Towards the end of the year, work began on transitioning greeters to Signup Genius also. In 2024, three new individuals joined the ushers. As noted above in the Communion committee description, the Communion team worked with Pastoral Staff and Session as the communion process evolved to fine tune the procedure. Pastor MP continues to manage the Liturgists. 

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