Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Voices of Christmas

The Advent season is upon us, and the St Mark Chancel Choir would like to extend a special invitation to celebrate the joy and true meaning of Christmas through song, as we present “The Voices of Christmas” by Joseph Martin. The cantata will be performed at both the 8:30 and 10:30 service, on Sunday, December 16. Please spread the word to friends and neighbors!!
Joseph Martin, the composer of “The Voices of Christmas” gives us insight into his thoughts in creating this cantata: “...our goal is to convey the message that because Christ was born to everyone (past, present and future) we are all, in some sense, connected to the manger. We are all witnesses to and voices of the Good News of his birth.”

The songs within the cantata represent voices from all the people: past, present and future:
The voice of all who wait alone: the prisoner, the oppressed, the outcast, the persecuted, the refugee, the grieving.
The voice of all who encourage others: the volunteer, the therapist, the pastor, the counselor.
The voice of all messengers: the clergy, the missionary, the hospital chaplain.
The voice of all who are filled with wonder: the new mother, the child playing in his first snowfall, the bridegroom singing a love song to his bride, the earth as it wakes from the slumber of winter to the birth of spring.
The voice of the common man: the farmer, the nurse, the teacher, the businessman.
The voice of all that God has made: the heavens, declaring God’s glory; the skies, proclaiming the work of his hands; the ocean waves, thunderously applauding God’s Might; the lion, the eagle, the whale, and the whisper of the butterfly.
The voice of those who seek guidance: the parents caring for the physically challenged child; the college student leaving home for the first time; the crucially ill facing decision about treatment; the unemployed trying to pay bills; the widow facing loneliness.
The voice of all who quiet their hearts and worship the Lord: the voice so easily drowned out by the clamor of everyday life; the voice ignored by those who fill their ears with the noise of this world; the voice that can only be heard when the soul is still; the voice from above, heard from within.
These are the voices of Christmas. 

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