"And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way" Matthew 2: 12
How simple it al sounds, to be be able to get instructions in such a direct way: to go to sleep, dream, and wake up with all the answers. Lord, should I quit my job? Should I move to another town? Should I marry this person? Should I divorce my spouse????
Why, even after making a decision, do we lie awake nights worrying if it was the right one? Do you suppose God has really given up sending His messages or has He, perhaps, found different ways of communicating with His children? Just because we don't get a personal telephone call saying, "Give up accounting and go on the the stage" doesn't mean that God has abandoned us to our own devices. We must continue to believe that when certain doors are closed to us, it may be our Heavenly Father's way of warning us to "return by another way."
Prayer: Lord, we pray for the patience to wait for your divine messages to come to us in whatever form you choose to send them. We also pray for the faith to know that you are forever guiding us along the right paths. Amen
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