India – January 2015
Greetings in the Matchless Name of our L & SJC
Happy New Year to one and all. May you be filled with the hope of a New Year, a fresh beginning, a time of reflection and forward moving growth.
Such a glorious month this has been. Our Father has been so loving and gracious. I am excited to share the precious treasures the Lord has gifted this season.
The office work was a little slow this past month. Since my responsibities are solely with pastors/churches, there was not much interaction with them. All of them were quite busy with their local Christmas programmes and additional services. This allowed opportunity for me to catch up on outstanding bills and continue work with the newly created database, work which was needed. The database has been in progress for several months. There are three main sections to it. Two are now in the “usable” Beta stage.
The personal involvement with others this past month was such a blessing, for them as well as myself. Christmas is such a wonderful opportunity to reach out to others.
The first Christmas gift given was for the children’s care home I frequent monthly. We took 45 slum/street kids to the zoo on a cool (75deg) Saturday afternoon. Unbeknownst to me, they had been praying for this opportunity for the past 3 years. These kids live a life of hardship. Some work early morning hours washing dishes at food stall to earn money to pay for their breakfast. Some girls work as maids in multiple houses to earn their daily meal. Many children are victims of physical/emotional abuse from their alcoholic father. Earlier this year, one young girl had to dig a grave & bury her new born sister that her mother killed. One girl had her older sister sold into prostitution. Such is the life they know, deep sorrow and pain.
It was heartwarming to give them opportunity to be a kid for just one day. All their troubles disappeared and they were allowed to enjoy. Their faces lit up with joy, excitement and discovery the entire day. During lunch break, the girls sang, the boys danced and lunch ended with all of them playing a group game. All the kids were troopers. With less energy than a healthly child, they walked almost the entire zoo. They wanted to embrace all the park had to offer. The memory will be treasured for their lifetime – something no one can ever take from them. (See top photo)

The next gift was to “old-old” women in four villages. Since these women are no longer able to contribute much to their families, they are often neglected or treated as a “have to” inconvenience. Such delight came to their hearts when they received the new saree. Their torn and tattered old saree could finally be put to rest. They could once again feel good about themselves. A couple of women were squabbling over their new saree. Even though these women have extreme minimum and live in poverty, they would start a small commotion on color choice. One lady did not like the color she was given. Another lady wanted the pattern design her neighbor received. I just chuckled. Women are the same – dress color is important ( : The sarees were given with love and prayer and all the women happily accepted the three items. (once the colors were sorted)
The next gift given was to my youth friend from a different religious upbringing. During summer months this year, she told me she wanted to follow The Son and be finished with her restrictive black cloak. As an exclamation to her transistion, I wanted to let her experience Christmas. So plans were made for her & me to travel to different state and celebrate with other believing friends for a few days. Praises – her parents allowed her to go. At last minute, plans changed. It was just her & me traveling. The friends had to travel out of town for official reasons. The unplanned Christmas vacation was fantastic! I brought a few Christmas decorations and small Christmas tree for our hotel room. While Christmas CD was being played, Ruku was decorating her 1st Christmas tree. I do not know who enjoyed the moment more ( : I also brought along an English Children’s Book so we could read and discuss together. How excited she was to receive that book! She wanted to begin reading the entirety that night.

After day was done, she was doing the typical teenager activity; talking & texting on cell phone. That night she talked with one of her cousins til after 3a.m.. I was becoming so angered on her; how inconsiderate and rude her manners were. She is not my child and this was her very first time away from home/family. MUCH mercy & grace was extended to her with this situation. Next morning at breakfast I would talk with her & tell her I apologize for giving her so much pain from separation. Just as that conversation was to begin, she spoke up; “Last night I was talking with Mittou (one of her male cousins). He was asking about Christnty and wants to know more.” At 3a.m. she was sharing with him all she knew and had experienced through her relationship with the Father. How quickly my anger was diffused.
Then came surprises of the Father’s gifts received. Just as returning back from this trip and unzipping my luggage, Pooja, a girl from across the street & one of her friends walk in. Question after Question they asked. Final question they had; Show us pictures from the Stories of the Good Book. So luggage was put aside and their queries were addressed.
That same evening, after luggage was unpacked, Mahipal, a young man who lives in same house, different flat came to visit. We were discussing something and in walk the 3 neighbor kids. First thing the oldest boy said was “WHY do we have to believe in the Son?” With 3 questioning kids & an unfinished conversation with Mahipal, that was a challenge. But God is Good. Before neighbor momma called her kids home for the night, the eldest boy spoke up again. “give me a Good Book. I want to read it.”
Such precious gifts were received – questioning hearts and opportunities to share.