PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP: Jesus Christ, changer of the world, change us. Transform us, transfigure us. Make the passion for God which was in you shine also in us, as you mold us day by day into your disciples. Amen
Leader: Trust in the Lord at all times, O people of the earth!
People: We will pour out our hearts before our God!
Leader: God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble!
People: We will trust, and not be afraid!
Eternal God, we have been so blind when truth has been so clear. When we could have looked ahead, we fell behind. When we could have viewed the wider picture, we saw only a part. When we could have sensed the Spirit leading, we missed the way.
Forgive our dim apprehension of love’s clear leading. Give us faith that trusts when it cannot see, through the light that lingers when all else fails, even the bright Morning Star of our faith, Jesus Christ, the Savior. Amen.

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