Sunday, July 5, 2015

Worship Prayers June 28

THE TIME OF CENTERING:  O God, whose glory is our hope, whose love is our deepest joy:  Open us this day to the presence of your Spirit and the truth of your gospel, that our lives may be challenged and our faith strengthened; through Jesus the Christ, to whom with you and the Spirit, one holy God, be honor and praise, now and forever.  Amen
One:   Lord you have searched me, and you know me; you know my sitting down and my rising up.
ALL:   You discern my thoughts from afar, and you are acquainted with all my ways.
One:   There is not a word that comes to my lips but that you, Oh Lord, know it altogether.
ALL:   Knowledge like yours is too wonderful to me, and so I give you thanks and praise.
O God who cares for us more than we can imagine, we pause to confess our wrongdoings, We withhold our love, hoard our belongings, and give up hope.  We are not honest with you and with each other.  In the quietness of our worship, remind us again of your constant love for each one of us, the weak, the strong, the poor, the rich, the young, the old.  Remind us of your call to share your love with one another.  We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

For the Youth Sermon "This is Our Story" and scripture, click here.

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