Sunday, May 22, 2016

Worship Prayers May 15

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  Dear Lord, without your Spirit we are nothing;  we are not a church, not your people, not able to be ourselves.  Give us your Spirit again, Lord: let your power sweep in among us, breathe upon us, and enliven us by your presence, that all our speaking and all our listening might be empowered by your Holy Spirit.  Amen
Come, believers and faithful ones, sing your alleluias to God!
         Praise God, who invades us with the rush of a mighty wind and fills us with fire.
Praise God, who out of love for us sent Jesus Christ to live among us.
         Praise God, whose spirit is poured out upon all flesh so our
         sons and daughters might prophesy.
God reaches into our lives and claims us, calling us honored and loved.
         We are God’s people:  we are redeemed; for God has called us by name.
Come, Holy Spirit, and find us in our wilderness.  Lead us forth into the wonders of your love. 
God of windy breath, blow into our lives; God of fiery presence, burn away our despair.  We bear in our lives the world’s dis-ease: prejudice, selfishness, fear.  We are burdened with our incompleteness; broken and shriveled up we have lost hope.  Touch us with your Spirit, God.  Moisten the dry places with tears of love; mend the broken places with bonds of hope.  Birth us as your new creations, that we might come alive in the Spirit’s power.  Amen

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