Monday, July 31, 2017

Deacon's Doings: Peace Meal Project

THANK YOU to all involved in the ABC sale! As the deacon’s primary fundraiser, how about
looking at where the money goes. The deacons review and allot donations to a variety of worthy causes including Isaiah 58, Lafayette Industries, UKirk and Peace Meal Project.

This month’s article is an overview of Peace Meal Project, an initiative to help alleviate hunger right here in St. Louis. (future Deacons Doings will provide overviews of other charities supported by the ABC Sale) The Peace Meal Project is a free fellowship meal for all every Saturday from 4:00 - 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Tower Grove area. St. Mark is one of the founding churches of the Peace Meal Project. It started in a St. Mark Sunday School class that wanted to help the needy in the city through actions, not just money. A former St. Mark pastor suggested contacting The Rev. Teresa Mithen Danieley at St. John’s and a partnership was born. St. Mark members assist with 5-6 dinners each year while providing a very meaningful and enriching experience for each participating volunteer. The deacon’s monetary donation helps the program defray ongoing costs to keep feeding the hungry. Want to learn more? Visit the Peace Meal Project webpage at:

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