CENTERING PRAYER - God of yesterday and tomorrow: Always you startle us into new understandings just when we think we have it all sorted out. Startle us again. Break open our preconceptions and confound our pat answers, that we might be gifted with new vision. Praise be to you, Surprising One. Amen
May our hearts be in tune with God’s Spirit, may our minds think God’s thoughts, and may we share our songs of praise with all the world…beginning with each other. Come, let us worship.
Compassionate and liberating God, week after week we acknowledge our sins only to turn again and continue in past patterns. Free us from that which restricts new life. We admit that discouragement, despair, and uncertainty have blocked us from embracing a new vision. Open our eyes to wonder and our lives to accept your way of love and peace. Amen
SCRIPTURES Isaiah 55:10-13 and Mark 13:1-9
Click here for the sermon "Anticipating the Harvest" by Rev. Dr. Craig Howard.
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