PRAYER IN PREPARATION - Living God, we come this day with praise and thanksgiving. May this time of worship empower us to embody your good news. May we always abide in you, and you in us. May we respond to the power of your word, and the promises of your love. May we be so filled with your Spirit that we can't help but proclaim your goodness. Amen.
We gather in the name of God, creator of all the moments of our lives.
The love of God is with us.
We gather in the name of Jesus, the Word made flesh.
The grace of Christ is with us.
We gather in the name of the Holy Spirit, sustainer and giver of life.
The communion of the Spirit is with us.
Loving God, we are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our endings and beginnings are rooted in your love. But we wander far from your claim upon us. We are tempted to go our own way, rather than trusting the path you put before us. We find it easier to resist change, lest it require more of us. Forgive us, O God. Open our hearts to hear your voice in ways we cannot deny. Challenge us in ways we cannot avoid. Lead us in paths from which we cannot turn back. Hold us close by your love and keep us from lasting loss. Help us to live with courage and gladness in the future you present to us. In every time and place, may we offer you our highest and our best through Jesus Christ.
SCRIPTURES Philippians 1:3-11, p. 196 and 2 Corinthians 13:11-13, p. 186
To listen to Pastor Jim's sermon "Thanksgiving and Blessing", click here.
To listen to Pastor Jim's sermon "Thanksgiving and Blessing", click here.
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