Holy God, like a rushing wind, your Spirit moved upon the first disciples on the day of Pentecost, and, like a purifying fire, your Spirit seared their hearts and minds with the message of salvation. Send your Spirit upon your church in this time and place, stir up our courage, and rouse us for prophetic witness, that we may join with them to proclaim to the world your mighty deeds of power in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Come to Jesus, you who are thirsty.
Drink deeply of the Holy Spirit.
Let your heart overflow with the living water
that renews the face of the earth.
Alleluia! Thanks be to God.
God of new creation, we confess we fail to trust your bountiful goodness. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you brought forth the earth and its creatures in abundance. Yet, we hoard earth’s resources and refuse to share your gifts. We dishonor your generosity by withholding our charity to those in need. We betray your kindness by dealing harshly with our enemies. We disregard your compassion by severely judging the sins of others. Forgive us. By the power of your Spirit, renew our hearts and free us from sins that we may enjoy the fullness of your blessing upon all creation. (Silent Confession)
With thanksgiving for God’s gifts to us, let us offer ourselves and the fruits of our labor for God’s work in the world. Let us pray…
Almighty God, we have opened our hands to you, and you’ve filled them with good things. Receive the gifts we bring in gratitude for your care for us, and help us to bless you with the dedication of our lives; through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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