God of majesty, you love us with an everlasting love and show us the way to justice and peace. In Jesus Christ you reconciled the whole world to you and claimed us as your own, that we may live as his body on earth and, with all the saints, enter your glory on the last day. Amen.
The Lord God is our shepherd.
We are the people of God’s pasture,
the sheep of God’s hand.
God will seek the lost,
feed the hungry,
and strengthen the weak.
But the proud and power-hungry
will be fed with justice.
Sovereign God, we confess we are not ready for your holy realm. You guide us toward right paths, but we refuse to follow where you lead. You love, feed, and care for us, but we fail to love and serve others. Forgive us, merciful God, so that we may return to your fold and rejoice in your presence. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lamb upon the throne. (Silent Confession)
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH – The Confession of 1967 9.54
Biblical visions and images of the rule of Christ, such as a heavenly city, the household of God, a new heaven and earth, a marriage feast, and an unending day culminate in the image of the kingdom. The kingdom represents God’s triumph over all that resists the divine will and disrupts God’s creation. Already God’s reign is present as a ferment in the world, stirring hope in all people and preparing the world to receive its ultimate judgment and redemption.
Invitation to the Offering
In gratitude for the immeasurable gift of Jesus Christ, let us bring our tithes and offerings to God.
Prayer after Offering
Let us pray… Holy God, use us, and these gifts to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and honor your presence in all people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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