Monday, September 30, 2024

Deacons In Action: Worship Committee


The Worship Committee consists of 4 groups of helpers to organize the sign-up sheets and to help St Mark run smoothly. 

The Communion Group sets up Communion trays with the elements and passes the trays in the pews during the service. Gluten free elements are used for Communion. St. Mark celebrates Communion on the first Sunday of each month. 

The Greeter Group organizes the sign-up sheet for volunteers who stand at the Welcome Center and at the Narthex doors greeting people & making them feel welcome. 

The Sanctuary Group decorates the Sanctuary for Easter and Christmas. They also refill the pages in the Friendship pads in the pews. The information in the Friendship pads lets us know how many people attended the service. It is also a great way to learn people’s names and make everyone feel included and welcomed at St Mark. 

The Ushers Group hand out bulletins, can escort us to our seats and welcomes us before the worship service begins. They work in teams of 5, some of the teams currently only have 4 people and slots need to be filled. If you are interested or would like to find out more about being an Usher please contact Glenn Knopf.

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