Monday, September 2, 2024

Peace and Global Witness Offering

“A Season of Peace” begins September 1 and concludes October 6, World Communion Sunday. The Peace and Global Witness Offering (previously the Peacemaking Offering) will be collected during that time. This year is the 40th anniversary of this offering, which was approved by the 192nd General Assembly in 1980.

Whenever the church gathers for worship, we are assured of Christ’s peace. We celebrate that we are connected, we are loved, and we are not alone. Through participation in the Peace and Global Witness Offering, our congregation is extending Christ’s peace throughout our community and our world. Peace begins with each of us.

Our participation in the Peace and Global Witness Offering provides funds for peacemaking programs locally and in the wider world. Those programs range from working to eliminate all forms of human trafficking to supporting the work of a mission co-worker.

Twenty-five percent of the total St. Mark collects is retained for local use, which goes to the Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services and St. John Episcopal Peace Meal. Use the special envelope in your September packet or simply mark your check for the Peace and Global Witness Offering. Thank you for your generosity.

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