The 1975
St. Mark Presbyterian Sunday School Program had 2 Sunday School Superintendents: R. McCoy and E. Hynes. Yes, the same E. Hynes who is currently in charge of Children's Ministries! These photos and the 2 below were for the church pictorial directory.
E. Phillips with the 2nd grade class in 1975 |
S. Faber with the 2 Year Old class in 1975 |
The next 2 were taken in 1980 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Sunday Schools.
E. Hynes leading a group into the sanctuary. |
S. Drake and C. Rose, 1980 |
C. Calkins 1986 4th grade Sunday School |
These photos were all made in 1986. Some of the students are E. Tenpas, G. Crites, E. Sine, M. Horsfall, T. Dressel, S. Sherman. If you can identify any others, please comment below, put a note in the Historian's mailbox or contact J. Morgan.
C. Baldwin 6th Grade Sunday School 1986 |
6th Grade Sunday School 1986 |
Please call the church office or contact E. Hynes if you would like to help or become a part of St. Mark Sunday School history.
Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
According to several on Facebook---some of the colored photos must be later than 1986---maybe early 90's? Also, C. Boeker has been identified in the one with the chalkboard. Any other identifications, post below. Thanks