Sunday, March 20, 2016

Palm Sunday Worship Prayers

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  Gracious God, as we enter this Holy Week, strengthen us to move beyond the festive parade of palms and to follow Jesus into the way of the Cross.  By the power of the Holy Spirit and through the story of the passion, may we have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus and follow him into the suffering of this world.  Amen.

Christ is going before us, even now, on the road to the cross.
         As we tell your story, O Christ, as we follow in your footsteps, lead us into Holy Week.
Christ goes before us as the way, the truth, and the life.
         As we walk towards the city, as we wait in the garden, lead us onto Holy Ground.
Let us feel the light of his love, even as we enter the pain and difficulty of this Holy Week.
         As we journey towards death, as we hope for resurrection, lead us into joy.

Faithful God, today we shout “Hosanna” and proclaim Christ our King.  We welcome him with shouts of joy, but tomorrow we will reject his ways of healing and compassion.  We will join the crowd and crucify him once again.  Our faith can be shallow, our hope too easily abandoned, our understanding too often confused.  Forgive us when we betray you, when we deny you, when we deride you or mock you.  By your Holy Spirit, open our hearts.

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