PRAYER IN PREPARATION: O God, on this third Sunday of Lent, we seek you as a people in a dry and weary land seek water, longing for growth and new life. Help us to attend to those things that need care and attention. Sow your Word in us that we may grow in faithfulness and understanding. Shake us out of dull routines so that we may bear fruit in our lives and build up your kingdom. Amen.
Everyone who thirsts for life; all who hunger for righteousness:
Let us seek the Lord while God may be found.
Everyone in need of God’s help; all who desire a more fruitful life:
Let us call upon the Lord while God is near.
“Return to me, return to me,” says the Lord:
Our souls hunger and thirst for God.
Holy God, we confess that we have grown complacent in our response to you. We are blessed with gifts to be used for others, but we want to keep them for ourselves. We notice the mistakes of others, but do not look into the mirror at our own lives. We turn our desires into idols, and do not recognize how they damage us. Forgive us, O God. Heal the hardness of our hearts. Disturb our complacency and quicken our desire for more fruitful lives. Tend to our spirits with your grace, so that we might flourish as the people you intend us to be.
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